Program Quick Facts
Credit Hours
Deadline Approaching – Request Info Today!
Ready to tackle some of the most complex cybersecurity threats facing the world today? You will be when you cultivate the skills (and the credentials) needed to lead your organization’s efforts in securing networks and protecting critical infrastructure with the master’s degree in Cyber-Engineering from University of the Cumberlands.
This MS degree program will teach you how to assess and evaluate systems and implement solutions to secure those systems. You’ll learn the role policy plays in engineering secure systems. You’ll also examine how assurance plays a role in all aspects of software and hardware, from development and design to deployment. Pursue this graduate degree to gain the practical technical skills you need for positions like:
- Software Development Engineer
- IT Security Consultant
- Security Systems Administrator
- IT Security Engineer
- Security Architect
- Penetration Tester
- Information Security Analyst
- Forensic Computer Analyst
- Chief Information Security Officer
If protecting critical computer infrastructure and securing networks from bad actors in cyberspace sounds like the career path for you, fill out the form on this page! We’ll be in touch soon.